In Memory

Samuel Rivas

Samuel Rivas

RIP Samuel

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10/08/19 12:38 PM #1    

Sonia Salcedo

Sam Rivas was quiet and sometimes shy, but he always smiled and said hello.  Even in Junior High, I remember he shyly asking to walk me home a couple of times and he was so nervous.  I always liked Sam because he was a gentleman  and I always asked about him when I spoke with family members.  Sam was very smart but never bragged about his grades; he worked really hard in school b/c it was important to him.  When I attended his funeral services, I wasn't taken aback by all he accomplished and I will always be thankful I knew him.  Blessings Sam Rivas....... 

10/09/19 05:51 PM #2    

Ernest Rodriguez

Sonia! I'm  so sad to hear about what happened to our fellow student. May God Bless Him! I was happy to see you again at our 55th re-union.Was he there?.Your friend, and fellow student,Ernie Rodriguez Sr. With my A-Fib diagnosis a year ago,I hope to God that I can live a lot longer. I am 74 years old right now. I love getting together with you all at our Re-Unions".Praise the Lord!"

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